The game of croquet

Croquet relies on touch, accuracy and tactics rather than speed and strength, so it’s playable by anyone of any age on equal terms. There are several different forms of croquet, but the two main ones played in the UK are Association Croquet and Golf Croquet.

The two games use the same equipment, and many people enjoy playing each. Golf Croquet is a game of accurate ball placement and straight hitting, so has much in common with golf. Association Croquet allows bonus shots, and is similar to snooker or pool. Both games reward strategic planning, and include a handicap system. This allows a smart player the chance to outfox an opponent, no matter what their level of physical expertise.

This part of the site explains a bit more about what each game involves, and gives you some detail on the history of the game’s origins.

The various shots that can be used in either Association Croquet or Golf Croquet are shown courtesy of the CroquetDev site.