Federation events 2024

22nd July GC advantage trial v York U3A

The Federation wished to trial the advantage system in a formalised setting, but with no results counting for handicap purposes. Ripon Spa was chosen to host York U3A. Eric very kindly volunteered to play for York U3A , so that the day could go ahead. The weather was kind for most of the day with a few short drizzles, which did not interrupt play.

None of the players had experienced this format before, thus there was an element of concern about how it would work. After a briefing, which outlined the arrangements, the teams took to the courts and play started at 10:13. There was a delay towards the end of round 1, because the score was 5 all, before the extra 2 shots started, and the players wished to know whether running another hoop would affect the result. In the event, the score stayed at 5 all, which resulted in a win for the ‘disadvantaged’ team. There were only 2 such occasions and they were resolved by reference to the scoring sheet. 3 games were completed within the time limit and 9 were not.

The visitors settled to the unfamiliar courts during the day, which ended with York U3A running 60 hoops to Ripon Spa’s 54 and winning 5 games to Ripon Spa’s 7. Everyone left with a much better understanding of the system.

York U3A Aileen, Eric and Nick
Nick, Kerry and Aileen
Liz jumping at hoop 8
Alex, Eric, Nick and Liz at hoop 1

10th July GC open level play singles

Four of the eight players in this event were from Ripon Spa. The full report can be found on the Federation website.

7th July GC advantage team day trial

The full report can be found on the Federation website.

You want your starting score now ?
Avocets John, Sue and Alison
Bullfinches Eric, Michael and Robert
Chaffinches Frank, Alex and Chris
Dunnocks Jack, Bob and Jill
Jill deciding
Will she ?
The scorers enjoying a break

19th June GC open level play in York

There were 8 teams; 4 from Ripon Spa, 2 from Brodsworth, 1 from Bishop Monkton and 1 representing York. It was an all play all day, with double banking on courts 2 and 3. The weather and the hospitality could not be improved. The winners with 6 wins were Robb W and Bob from Bishop Monkton. Sue and Marcia won 5, and Robert and Kerry won 4.

The hosts Lionel and Aileen
Frank, Julia, Kerry, Robert and Aileen
Sue and Marcia
Robert G, Robb W and Bob
Andrea, Ted, Sue and Marcia
Frank, Julia, Kerry and Robert
Eric, Julia, Frank, Kerry and Michael