Club competitions 2024

The committee has chosen the following dates

June 6thAdvantage singles
August 1stClub doubles
August 13thProgressive doubles
September 2ndClub championship

2nd September Club championship

The 8 players with the lowest handicap at 24th August 2024 were invited to play in the club championship.

The 8 turned up on a dreich Monday when the forecast threatened rain and thunderstorms. The little drizzle that we experienced did not dampen the games and the thunderstorms never happened. The competition was played in 2 blocks of 4, which lasted until [a late] lunchtime. The alpha block was won by Ted with Sue the runner up. The numeric block was won by Jo-Ann with Michael the runner up.

Ted played Michael and Jo-Ann played Sue in the semi-finals. Michael beat Ted 7 hoops to 6 and Sue beat Jo-Ann 7 hoops to 4. Ted beat Jo-Ann 7 hoops to 6 to finish in third place. Michael beat Sue 7 hoops to 5 in the final, securing the trophy.

Robert and Ted at hoop 3
Ted and Robert at hoop 8
Bertie, Gill, Sue and Roger resting after round 1
Robert and Gill at hoop 7
Gill and Robert still at hoop 7
Sue, Gill, Roger and Jo-Ann
Ted and Sue at hoop 7
Sue and Ted still at hoop 7

13th August Progressive doubles

The weather was fine for the whole day. 18 members took part in the competition. The games were of 22.5 minutes duration; wins were worth 1 point and a draw half a point. 4 games were played before lunch and one after lunch to determine those who would play for the trophy and who would play for the plate; 2 members then sat out. The remaining matches were semi-finals and then finals. Robert and Arlene hoisted the trophy, with Jane and Alex winning the plate.

If you wish to see photographs of the day, please visit our facebook page.

1st August Club doubles

Following heavy overnight rain and a poor forecast, hopes were not high as 16 members gathered in the pavilion on 1st August. However, the forecast was wrong and very soon the sun had dried out the courts. Our newest recruits, Jo and Katy bravely volunteered to take part. Thanks to Ted’s efforts on the previous day, we had 4 playable courts, ready for two blocks of four. The blocks were timed at 45 minutes and all were completed by lunchtime. There was a semi-final, followed by the final and 3rd/4th place playoff.

The final was won by Jo Ann and Gill who beat Liz and Michael 7 – 5 in a closely contested final.

Many thanks are due to the manager, Andrea, for making such smooth arrangements and to Jane for providing such marvellous scones and cakes.

6th June Advantage singles

This took place on a sunny but windy day. 6 members entered. The untimed games were often lengthy, so everyone was more than ready for tea and cakes once the battle was o’er and Sue emerged the winner.